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15 posts tagged with "baby"

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路 One min read
Greg Roberts

Greg and Pete took on the the task of filling in the loft upstairs in the baby's room. Here are some of the pictures of the project, which left the house in chaos for almost a week. Turned out great! Now we just have to paint and decorate before little Roberts arrives!

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路 One min read
Greg Roberts

Jess's parents came out for Memorial weekend to see their pregnant daughter for the first time in person, and to celebrate Jess's birthday. Baby Roberts got some cute little outfits (Go Cubs) and also a little brown onesie that looks just like daddy's work shirt :) We went out for a nice brunch at the 94'th Aero Squadron restaurant so Jess's dad could check out the airplanes. It was a quick visit, but we all had a great time!

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路 2 min read
Greg Roberts

Jess and I went to New Orleans last weekend for my sister's graduation from Tulane university.  It's the first time both of us have been there since Katrina and it was interesting to see how much things have progressed.  The graduation was in the Superdome and we stayed in the French Quarter just a few streets off of Bourbon.  The trip was fun, although preggers was on the sidelines and couldn't earn any beads :(

James Carville and his wife were the speakers at the graduation which was very interesting, but slowed down once they started to announce all of the names one by one for several hours.  We used the time to help us think of baby names, but it didn't help too much.  Here are some of our pictures, you can see them all on our flickr page.

New Orleans 2008 New Orleans 2008

New Orleans 2008 New Orleans 2008

New Orleans 2008 New Orleans 2008

New Orleans 2008 New Orleans 2008

New Orleans 2008 New Orleans 2008

New Orleans 2008 New Orleans 2008

New Orleans 2008

路 2 min read
Greg Roberts

Jess got her big ultrasound today and we finally know the gender!  Yes, the Roberts bloodline will live on :)  I'm sure you were all worried.  We had all of the checks done and it looks like he is going to be a healthy baby weighing in around 8.5lbs.



路 One min read
Greg Roberts

Today we went to the Earth Day fair in Balboa Park downtown.  It was like a phish show without phish... I'm sure some of you will understand.  Anyway, lots of drum circles, solar panels, multi-colored trash cans, activists, and stinky hippies :)   Jess's friend Amy was in town for just the weekend and we decided to check the fair out before dropping her off at the airport.


Frozen juggler, with a nice 70's rock mullet


Jess and Amy


路 2 min read
Greg Roberts

Jess and I took a much needed night out last Wednesday (April 16th), and went to the sold out Eddie Vedder (pearl jam) show at Spreckles Theatre downtown.  The show was the last of a small tour that he did to help promote the "Into The Wild" dvd release, of which he did the whole soundtrack.  If he haven't seen the movie or listened to the soundtrack both are worth picking up.